Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Step 4 - moving out

Now that I've got the permit, the real work begins. All the stuff that was in the basement (and it's a lot) will be stored in the garage. The car has no say in this.

Ski boots, an unfinished doll house...

...the cleaning stuff on the shelves behind the washing machine...

....storm door inserts, a spare door (that will be used in the renovation), plant pots, 4 moving boxes of music CD's (that we've converted to MP3 so we don't use them anymore, but keep them anyway), paints....

, Christmas decorations, etc. etc. These IKEA shelves were dismantled and reconstructed to use in the garage.

Even this sink --- actually the sink stays. These sinks are typical to these houses of this vintage - it's concrete, made to resemble the old soapstone sinks. I like it because it's big and deep and will be perfect for my projects (which include a lot of potting of plants). It's final position is not it's current position, so it needs to be moved and it took a great deal of thought on how I was going to do that -- that will be the subject of a separate post.

All this stuff from the 700 SF of basement gets squashed into the 200 SF garage......

And now the basement is ready to work on...

[note the stonework behind the boiler - that was the window that was blocked in - not bad...]

July 17, 2009

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